c.r.ashbee guild of handicrafts gofh silver porringer spoon and liner with cabochons 1908

C.R.Ashbee Guild Of Handicrafts GofH Silver Porringer with matching Spoon mounted with Cabochons complete with original Powell glass liner 1908/9

A superb piece of arts and crafts silver made at the Guild of Handicrafts.The porringer set is complete with original Powell green glass liner and matching spoon.The porringer with typical split handle and planished body with the classic cabochon set to the handle.The spoon with matching cabochon and matching hallmarks.A rare complete set from what could be considered the best silversmiths of the arts and crafts movement.The set is dated 1908/9 which os only a short time after C.R.Ashbee left the guild and as such is quite a historical piece being made in the 1st year of the GofH.Almost certainly made by G.Hart.Fully and correctly hallmarked for London 1908/9.Complete and beautiful.The porringer Measuring 7” L.The spoon measuring 6”


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