arts and crafts scottish school glasgow style glasgow girls mirror with ruskin cabochons [mirrors)

Arts And Crafts Scottish School Glasgow Style Mirror With Ruskin Cabochons.Glasgow Girls Margaret Gilmour.Marion Henderson Wilson. 

A rare Scottish arts and crafts mirror in the Glasgow style in brass set with four variegated pink Ruskin cabochons.Almost certainly by the hand of Margaret Gilmour or Marion Henderson Wilson.The design with spade leaves in Celtic entrelac to both ends set with large Ruskin cabochons and with Celtic bird design to the edges set with smaller Ruskin cabochons.The design is known but I have never seen the mirror set with four Ruskins….In wonderful condition now showing a very mellow colour to the brass.The Ruskins are also in very good condition.No monograms but without doubt it’s attributed to one of the two Glasgow girls mentioned.Its a beautiful piece and a joy to see.C1900

Measuring 29”


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